But it can also be a dangerous place to drive when drivers are violating the law.
- In 2019 speeding was a factor in 40% of all fatalities in Colorado;
- In 2019 there were 239 speed related fatalities;
- In 2019 164 deaths were caused by alcohol-impaired drivers;
- In 2019 51% of those killed in automobile collisions were not wearing seatbelts;
- In 2019 52% of motorcyclists killed were not wearing helmets;
- Pedestrian fatalities increased 23.7% from 2015 – 2019;
- Bicyclist fatalities increased 53.8% from 2015 – 2019;
- The number of drug-related fatalities increased by 39.3% from 2015 – 2019;
- The number of fatalities involving cannabis increased by 33% from 2018 – 2019;
- The group with the highest number of fatalities was males age 21 – 34;
- Adults aged 65 and older had the highest hospitalization rate;
The groups with the highest number of fatalities and hospitalizations were males, age 21 – 34 and 35 – 54. (See 2021-statewide-perspective_final.pdf (codot.gov) for complete details).
The safest way to avoid being injured or killed on the highways of Colorado is to avoid drinking or drug use before or while driving; avoid speeding; and always wear your seatbelt.
Another common cause of injury and death on the highway is distracted driving, whether by the radio, cell phone, eating while driving, or pets in the vehicle. Although deaths from distracted driving dropped from 67 in 2016 and 2017 to 35 in 2019, that’s still 35 people killed by drivers who were distracted. Here the numbers were nearly equal between males and females, in all age brackets. In 2019 15,143 crashes involved distracted drivers. (See Distracted Driving — Colorado Department of Transportation (codot.gov)
Although you can’t always avoid collisions with distracted drivers, or others violating the rules of the road, if you are injured by one, or worse a loved one is killed by one, contact the experienced attorneys at Strickler Catlin LLC. We have handled thousands of these cases and we can help you.